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Make no mistake about it, figuring out how to hook up online is not the same as actually hooking up online. These are two totally different things, but they do depend on each other. After all, you need to walk before you run. Sounds pretty good, right? There is a logical connection between doing a task and preparing for that task.

Unfortunately, most guys are clueless regarding this. Most guys think that life is composed of all sorts of magical formulas. They think that as long as you get this magical recipe or step by step instruction and you follow the checklist, all of a sudden, all this amazing pussy will appear in their lives and they would be happy forever.

I don’t mean to wake you up from your drunken fantasy, but that’s not how life works. Life has never ever followed the script of a typical porno movie. I highly suspect that it ever will.

If you want to succeed at the typical free hook up website, you have to first focus on how to hook up online. In other words, allow yourself to discover the secret. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Don’t get desperate.

You have to remember that women have a desperation radar. It doesn’t matter what the woman looks like, it doesn’t matter where she comes from, it doesn’t matter what race she is. She has a desperation radar. If she, somehow, some way, smell your desperation, she’s going to turn around and run as fast as she can for the hills. That’s how repulsive and ugly desperation is.

Again, this has nothing to do with how you look, it has nothing to do with how much money you have or any other form of attractiveness. It has everything to do with who you are inside. Don’t get desperate.

Understand that hooking up online requires work. This is why you have to first sit down and figure out how to hook up online, test out your theories and get a game plan going.

I know that sounds like a hassle. I know that that’s not the kind of thing that you’ve been sold on, but if you really want to hook up online, you need to put in the work. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

Work at getting pussy has always been the name of the game. This was true in the past, this is true now, and it will probably continue to be true long after everyone reading this blog post has passed on. This is solid gold, so take it. Learn from it and succeed.

Blogged Under: Diary

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